Hosaena Integrated Urban Development Planning Program (HIPP) Executive Summary

Goals will be achieved through specific strategies as follows.

Strategies For Creating Vibrant City Development.

1. Creating multiple destination spaces at urban scale.

2. Create boulevards and avenues integrated with nature.

3. Create urban living rooms with public screens.

4. Create plazas and public event places with entertaining statues and facilities.

5. Create neat and sufficient sport fields, play grounds, and corners.

6. Create art and intellectual centers.

7. Create spaces for commercial public buildings which serve 24 hours.

8. Create a 24-hour running integrated transport system and service.

9. Create spaces for 24 hours of production and manufacturing.

10. Create spaces for 24 hours of production and manufacturing.

11. Focus on neighborhood detailed service facility designing and application.

12. Create a street addressing system