Hosaena Integrated Urban Development Planning Program (HIPP) Executive Summary

Goals will be achieved through specific strategies as follows.

Strategies For Creating Attractive City Development.

1. Create and integrated transport system that includes all modes.

2. Create a well-designed public transport with its stops, stations, and land use integrations.

3. Develop a transportation management manual or guideline.

4. Design a good solid waste management plan.

5. Design and introduce a new sewer system, including its feasibility and CBA.

6. Design and introduce a city-wide storm water drainage system.

7. Plan and design for a wide regional freeways, highways, roads and pedestrians.

8. Create car free and poly-centric business centers.

9. Prepare a good and detailed land use plan that make the share of green space 25% minimum.

10. Design all roads with trees alone pedestrian way and medians.

11. Create spaces for: Lodges, green buffers, and reserved forests

12. Make green spaces for EACH neighborhood.

13. Create robust places for urban agriculture, nursery, mini-horticulture, and agro-processing.

14. Create water-integrated tourist attraction sites in Gofe-meda, Gombora, bobicho, “wuhalimat”,“Shesha”, Guder, and Batena

15. Preserve all heritage sites for tourists.

16. Create places for huge international offices, hotels, and play stations.

17. Create Open spaces, plaza, community hall, stadiums.

18. Efficient use of resources such as energy, water....

19. Create public bathrooms proper sanitation

20. Encouraging pedestrianism. Reduce number of cars. Providing pedestrian and bike root.

21. Compact city for energy efficiency.

22. Creating awareness and training to create civilized and productive society.

23. Developing alternative skills, products and design solutions.

24. Quality assurance in all areas of services.

25 Integrate all infrastructure developments by design as well as by guideline preparation